
Monday, May 4, 2020

Daniela Gioseffi | Green


After Federico Garcia Lorca

Green, I love you, green.
Green branches, green sea.
How I desire you, green
grasses of spring waving in wind.
Green mountains aglow.
Green shade beneath green trees,
where I dream in green gardens,
wearing my green coat,
green dress, green gloves,
green eyes. Oh, how I love you,
green, how I desire you, green.

Beneath the green moon,
I dream in green,
green that photosynthesizes
in the poetry of food,
that makes life livable
on green, blue, and brown Earth.
Green, how I love you, green!
Wind fondles green leaves,
rustling to the music of breezes,
in green forests breathing
with the green lungs of all that lives.

Green forests raining oxygen
as I dream, a green fish,
swimming in green water,
green air


Daniela Gioseffi is an American Book Award winner, the author of  seventeen books, and Editor-in-Chief for Her work has appeared in The NationThe Paris Review, Prairie Schooner, Poetry International, Rain Taxi Review, Chelsea Review, MS., and various anthologies, e.g. Stories of the American Experience (Oxford U. Press).  The first of her six books of poetry, Eggs in the Lake (BOA Editions, 1979) was published with a New York State Council for the Arts grant. Her latest are Waging Beauty (Poets Wear Prada, 2017) and Blood Autumn (VIA Folios, 2007), a winner of the John Ciardi Award for Lifetime Achievement in Poetry.