
Saturday, May 9, 2020

George Held | Spring Haiku

Spring Haiku

Two young deer traipse
across my yard, dipping mouths
to graze green shoots

Green grows the grass
in the Bois de Boulogne —
here comes the sun

Sere grass bending
in the morning wind —
sap stirs the maples


George Held has published four children’s books with Filsinger & Company, Ltd. and over a dozen poetry titles with various small presses. His most recent book, Second Sight: Poems, was released by Poets Wear Prada in 2019. A collection of stories titled Lucky Boy is due out in 2020. Believing that smaller is better in poetry, he writes a lot of haiku. He wears his trousers rolled in Sag Harbor, NY.

1 comment:

  1. I've known him since he wore his trousers [LONG] in NYC . . . didn't seem to effect his poetry, his discerning mind, his wonderful words . . .
