
Friday, May 1, 2020

Jack Cooper | While We May

While We May

A fecundity of seed drifts
On the breeze and greenth wakens,
Thickening the tongue and in the eye —

Drunkenness to look on . . . 
All enrapt in a cool spell;
Shivering under a slight stole of rain.

Coin, flitted, of the elm, frittered —
Literally, fluttering butterily away.
Glows grass (and grows) with her near-glad strength:

Proserpine’s lengthening sad,
Mad turn from afar: Did she not? Come back?
Neither of us lived nor should we ever have loved.


John Jack Jackie (Edward) Cooper is the creator of These Are Aphorithms (, author of Ten (Poets Wear Prada, 2012), Ten … More (Poets Wear Prada, 2016), and translator of Wax Women, with French texts of the original poems by Jean-Pierre Lemesle (International Art Office: Paris, 1985). His work has appeared widely, in print and online, most recently in The Opiate, Rat’s Ass Review, Jerry Jazz Musician, and Paris Lit Up 7. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he is editor and co-publisher of Poets Wear Prada, a small press based in Hoboken, New Jersey. He lives in Paris.