Sunday, May 10, 2020

Yuyutsu Sharma | Rain


The rain comes
in silence

thought of her arrival
in a parrot-green glade

(her) thigh-thick cataract
tumbling down

her nimble rose-feet
over mossy
green rocks

to smash
my tiny heart    

the drip    the drip
behind lush
green hill ranges

Can’t you hear it?

The shrub-ridden goats
rushing back home
the cows lowing after
and the crone,
the fragile-lunged
spirit of the hills,


lashing the cattle
with a green twig
in a wild hurry

but lagging behind

a cloud’s shadow
on stone-strewn hill path.


Recipient of fellowships and grants from The Rockefeller Foundation, Ireland Literature Exchange, and The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, among others, Yuyutsu Ram Dass Sharma is a distinguished poet and translator. He edits Pratik: A Magazine of Contemporary Writing and contributes literary columns to Nepal’s leading daily, The Himalayan Times. Nine poetry collections have been published including his most recent A Blizzard in My Bones: New York Poems and Quaking Cantos: Nepal Earthquake Poems, both from Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India. Frequently invited to read, lecture, and lead creative writing workshops by various universities in North America and Europe, he travels half the year. At home in Nepal, he enjoys trekking in the Himalayas.

1 comment:

  1. YOUR poem wraps a gift on the isle of view. Thank you. Rains greet the green of strengthened hearts in Spring.
